Peace in Christ E02

Meditation in Scripture can see us through those tough times. Reminding us that “The Prince of Peace,” is a promise to all those that believe.

Peace in Christ E01


Meditation in Scripture can see us through those tough times. Reminding us that “The Prince of Peace,” is a promise to all those that believe.

The Spirit of Discipleship

Hi, I’m Freddie Hernandez, Enkindler of Dormant Potential

Walking with Christ doesn’t have to be a burden…

Journaling, reading, audio listening, praying, fasting, meditating, that’s a lot. Break it down to bite size pieces spread it and sprinkle it on manageable moments, and in time, we’ll reach unimaginable heights soaring with the indwelling spirit of Christ.

Join me, here at The Spirit of Discipleship Podcast, let’s explore the many ways we can walk intimately with Christ and make it a lifelong spiritual experience: