“Restoring The Original Bible” Ernest L. Martin

⦁ This book is the biggest blessing in my life. It reads like a novel, biography, and documentary. It’s filled with so many historical evidences, of how the Torah and the New Testament were canonized. This book brought me so much closer to reading scriptures as Jesus would have had them in scroll form as he read them in the synogogues in Nazareth, Jerusalem in the first century.

⦁ Dr. Martin breaks down the formation of the Torah by Its divisions The Law, The Prophets and the Writings that make up the Old Testament, he then goes into the role numbers play in the formation of the Bible, to show the finger of God in its divine arrangements that should not have been tampered with and why. What amazed me was how the Tabernacle and the Bible a reflection of one another, and it’s representation of the utensils and how the Tabernacles construction coincides with the formation and structure of the order of the Books – mind Blowing and totally eye opening. So much so, it really put the reverence of Gods love in my heart to see Gods finger print throughout the order of the books. 

The “Tithe” Dilema Ernest L. Martin

⦁ To understand how and why the tithes were actually instituted, it really shines a very bright light upon the truth on tithing; it was always an issue of the heart. Not an obligation. Always something that had to come from the heart of the giver. Yet, reading this book one also comes to a very clear awakening about the tithe and why it is no longer instituted. This book opened my eyes to something I realized a long, long time ago concerning tithing. 

http://www.tithing-russkelly.com/id190.html This link goes further into the tithing dilemma. 

Brother Lawrence “Practicing The Presence Of God”

⦁ Practicing the Presence of God is a collection of letters that were written by Brother Lawrence to those that he had mentored and advised throughout his lifetime. They were collected and made into a book.

⦁ The beauty of what is brought forth from this Godly mans life, is sheer peace and tranquility. One learns the many things that really matter in life when we look at the life of this Godly man. What matters most. This book made a very big difference in my life. I began to understand what it is to quickly repent, to keep a communion with the word of God, to do everything as unto the Lord. To always acknowledge Him in all that we do. To speak to Him in and out of our day. This constant communication is key to building a daily and true understanding of who we are in Christ and what are those things that really matter the most.

⦁ It radically changed my perspective of how to live and follow Christ.