Media Library
Youtube Videos
Our desire is that these videos drive you to the Bible and draw you near to Christ Jesus. Thank you for your continual prayers and support. To subscribe please click the subscriber box below.
How to 15 Keys to Love
Bible Study Apps for Beginners, novice and beyond
Ministry Podcast
For those who are on the go or just love to listen to the youtube content and original material not aired on youtube, like interviews and other content, consider subscribing to the podcast or downloading the audio, or capturing the feed.
Peace in Christ E02
Peace in Christ E01
The Spirit of Discipleship
Monthly Published Blog
Once a month we will be publishing articles on anything Bible for the purpose of growing in Christ Jesus, and deepening our understanding of scripture and applying it in our lives. Consider capturing the feed.
A Supernatural Literary Work
5 Guides on Reading the Bible
On These Two Commandments
Books: “Inspiration and Education”
Books that have inspired me and of which I have featured on the youtube channel as “The Practice of the Presence of God.” By Brother Lawrence. If there are books that have made a spiritual impact in your life share with us here on “Inspired readings” and “Spiritual Education.”