A Supernatural Literary Work

The Bible is the story of God’s eternal love for all humanity.

An empowering supernatural epic inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written by man.

2 Peter 1:20-21

20 Above all, you know this: No prophecy of Scripture comes from the prophet’s own interpretation, 21 because no prophecy ever came by the will of man; instead, men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Revelation 19:9-10

Then he[b] said to me, Worship God, because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit[c] of prophecy.”

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy – the thread of redemption flowing through the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

In this post “The Bible – A Supernatural Literary Work,” part two of the “5 Guides to Reading the Bible,” I’ll be sharing several reasons why as a Disciple, or a follower of Christ or if you’re just starting your Christian journey, it’s vital to make it a habit of reading the Bible.

When reading the Bible, keep in mind, you are created in Gods image, you have been born of the Spirit of God, you are a spirit being first, then a physical being.

Matthew 10:26-28

28 Do[f] not be afraid of those who kill the body[g] but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body, in hell.

Here you can read the distinction between, the body and the soul, that is man can kill the body, but not the soul. The soul is eternal. Jesus say’s God alone can “destroying both soul and body in hell.” The soul is an eternal matter, while the body is a temporal matter. Although the temporal body can also be a part of that eternal suffering, I believe that as an example we can see that three people were taken with both spirit and body to eternity: Enoc, and Elijah, and Jesus. Adam, Christ, you and I were also, conceived, or birthed through the Holy Spirit. God entered the physical world to bring about the physical form of His image to accomplish His Mission to provide us the ultimate and finality of all sin sacrifices – Himself. We have been reconciled to God Through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. You and the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one through the new birth.

John 14:23

“If anyone loves me, he will obey[bb] my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and take up residence with him.[bc] 

John 15 tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches, without Him we are nothing, and can do nothing. We must remain in Him, how do we remain in Him?  By engaging in the eternal portal of His word. I say portal because we’re interacting with a Supernatural being, we’re stepping into the spiritual relm. We are engaging with the Spirit of the most High God, Christ Jesus through Scripture. We’re activating a supernatural force of understanding that will open up the scriptures to us, that will help us naviagate through the Bible, and find the treasures in the fields concerning Christ.

In Luke 24, three times it’s mentioned that the scriptures speak of Christ. This spirit of prophecy. Christ the Eternal Word. Christ revealed to His followers what was said about him in the Holy scriptures. The first time when the Angel speaks to the women at the tomb: They see the angels and the Angels say, “Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that[r] the Son of Man must be delivered[s] into the hands of sinful men,[t] and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.” Then the women remembered his words.”

 The second time Jesus speaks to the two gentlemen on their way to Emaus, he says to them, “You foolish people—how slow of heart[bn] to believeall that the prophets have spoken!  27 Thenbeginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about[bu] himself in all the scriptures. 32 Theysaid to each other, “Didn’t[cg] our hearts burn within us[ci] while he was speaking with us on the road, while he was explaining[cj] the scriptures to us?”

One Side note: Speaking of supernatural listen to what Jesus tells his followers about his appearance in the upper room, to reassure them that it is he in the flesh:

“Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Look at my hands and my feet; it’s me! Touch me and see; a ghostdoes not have flesh and bones like you see I have.” 

The devil cannot cross over like Jesus did. However, the Devil did visit Jesus on numerous occasions, 40 days in the desert, Peter attempting to stop him from his mission, and Judas Iscariot who catapulted him to the fulfillment of his mission. Those were all doings of the enemy, the devil, Satan. That spiritual supernatural realm co-exists within this plane Because make up is also Spiritual through the Power of God’s Word, the breath of life, His Holy Spirit.

This is why it’s vital to read scripture, to study scripture. It is a part of the very fiber of our spiritual existence for those who have decided to follow Jesus.         

And finally the last and third time it’s mentioned that scripture speaks about Christ, in the 24th chapter of Luke, it’s in the upper room when Jesus appears to the disciples.

44 “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me[df] in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms[dg] must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures,[dh]  49 And look, I am sending you[dp] what my Father promised.[dq] But stay in the city[dr] until you have been clothed with power[ds] from on high.”

Three things Jesus assures the disciples about Himelf:

  1. The Torah, or TaNaK, The entire old testament, the Law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms speak about Jesus, and the fulfillment of Prophecy in Him.
  2. Who opened up their understanding? Jesus, Himself as he did the other two disciples and Cleophas, Peter, the two on the road to Emaus. Jesus did it himself because He was the Holy Spirit, birthed of the Holy Spirit, was there, when all creation was made, and he told them he would not leave them orphans, he would return to them, how the Holy Spirit.
  3. Jesus tells them once again, I am sendingyou what the Father promised. Stay int eh city until you have been clothed with POWER from ON HIGH. The promise of the Holy Spirit.

A Supernatural Literary Work, authored by the One True Living God through man. A book that will empower you, teach you, guide you, speak through you, show you things to come, and empower you to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. All we need to do is daily engage with that relm, the spiritual relm, through the interaction of His word, the spirit of Christ the Word, the Bible.

The Bible is a book that prepares us for:

  1. For the eternal kingdom
  2. As a bride for Christ Jesus.
  3. It solidifies the foundation of our beliefs
  4. Enhances discernment as Hebrews 4:12 through the Spirit of Christ in us.
  5. It teaches us and guides us.
  6. We become sheep who follow the voice of their Shepherd and not the voice of a stranger.
  7. It prepares us for spiritual battles to overcome the Enemy-all this accomplished through Christ and Christ alone.

This is “A Supernatural Literary Book,” we should read as believers, we will be prepared in the here and now, and eternity as well.

And always remember: A leap of faith, a deep submergence – the Bible: The Spirit of Discipleship.

Freddie Hernandez

Founder 9113BC, INC

5 Guides on Reading the Bible

The number one selling book every year in the entire world, the most ancient of manuscripts of all time with 3,000 years of age, people have been burned at the stake for it, tortured for it, and woe to the irony of how Christians are persecuted in China and it is the world largest producer of The Bible.

So, you want to start reading the Bible and don’t know where to start?

I have five bible reading guides to start you off on your discipleship journey. I pray you encounter Christ while engaging the pages of this Holy Book and your life is totally inspired by it.

Before I began to read the Bible, I experienced God – supernaturally. When I began reading the Bible, I experienced The Power of the Teachings of Christ, through His indwelling Holy Spirit that John 14, 15, 16 speak about. He speaks, I listen. My life becomes more His than mine. And the more I read, the more of the Lion of Juda rises boldly in me, the more of Gods love through the Holy Spirit represented by the Dove do I conform to, and the more do I demonstrate the meekness of His spirit represented in the lamb that keeps me humble and merciful. But it all starts by engaging the Word of God, the Bible.

In order to engage with the Spirit of the Word of God these five guides have helped me navigate through the Bible and grow in the knowledge of Christ, and along the way find  my purpose in my life.

Always engage the Word of God by acknowledging Him in prayer and asking for His Holy Spirit, to open the Holy Scriptures to you and what is it that He wants to teach you or speak to you about concerning your life. That being said, lets start with these five guides.

First the Bible’s Story line begins with Genesis and ends with the Book of Revelation. This story line is the story of God, and His love for you and I and all humanity. Because it is the story of all humanity. Within it’s pages flows “The Thread of Redemption.” Provided by God through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus for you, and I, and all humanity. It started with Adams downfall, then with a promise to Abraham, that all nations of the World will be blessed. And all because of one man’s obedience, the world was blessed – through one mans sacrifice – Christ Jesus.

Second, any preconceived notions you may have about the Bible, set aside until you are thoroughly familiar with the books of the Bible, then revisit those notions. Learn the characters, the stories, the good, the bad and the ugly. Devote time to merely reading the Bible first. Always annotate during your second reading. This approach has helped me understand the Bible’s Story line. Currently I’m going through the Bible a second time. This time from the New to the Old Testament. I’m on 2 Kings getting ready to move to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. One other thing, you should begin to do is use the Inductive Bible Study Method or S.O.A.P – scripture, observation, application and prayer. More details on these methods on the fourth guide.

Third, understand the Bible is a supernatural book written by the inspiration, guidance and leading of the One True Living God, His Holy Spirit, and written by man. He is an invisible God, who now dwells within all followers of Christ. This is one of many reasons why this book, unlike no other, can prepare you for this lifetime, and the one we will all be a part of, the eternal kingdom. The Bible, through the Holy Spirit teaches us. This is why everything we do have present and eternal ramifications effecting our rewards whether good or bad in this lifetime, and the lifetime to come. Check in the description box to my video on, “Supernatural Literature.”

In addition, set aside a time to purposefully learn how to study the Bible. The inductive method is the method I have used for over 20 years. When I began studying the Bible I didn’t know I was using the inductive method. A book that also helped me through my journey was given to me by an Episcopalian Pastor, “How to Read the Bible For All It’s Worth,” by Gordon Fee, and “How to Read a Book” by Mortimer Adler. I feature these two books on the ministry’s website. I also utilize Logos Software. Something I recommend to all those serious students of the Word of God. Christian life without engaging scripture on a daily basis, is not Christian living. There is a difference between reading and studying. Though there is learning in reading, there is deeper learning in studies.

Lastly, pray that the Lord leads you to a bible believing church with online services or an online ministry with Sunday services with sound doctrine, or a Bible Study group in which the word is the center of their studies. A bible study is not a meeting place for alternative agendas whatever they may be. Most importantly, pray that God puts Godly servants in your life that are serious about serving God. That they may become accountability partners in your walk with Christ.

May the Lord Bless you, keep you, may the Lord, shine His face upon you, and be gracious to you, may the Lord lift His countenance towards you and give you peace, His friendship.

And always remember, A leap of faith, a deep submergence – the Bible: The Spirit of Discipleship.

I’ve provided some links below for further study:

Youtube Video Resources:

Tim Mackie’s Story Line of the Bible

The video link on “The Supernatural Literature.”  

Book Resource:

Fee and Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth, Zondervan, 1982

Mortimer Adler, How to read a book
Leland Ryken, How to Read the Bible As Literature, Zondervan, 1984
Phyllis A. Bird, The Bible as the Church’s Book, Westminster, 1982
Walter Brueggemann, The Bible Makes Sense, John Knox, 1977.

On These Two Commandments

The following article, I authored and was published in a Contact magazine Spring of 2019, last year sometime through The Light House Church of Kuwait, Senior Pastor Gerald Goldbeck, is the story of bringing the Word of God to life through our very hands, and with our very physical being. It’s the essence, and my heart’s desire, for this website, and the Youtube Channel 9113BC.Org to blossom into; a place where disciples, or followers of Christ Messiah King can experience through articles, videos and audio formats, what it means to put Christ’s teachings into practice in our daily lives. Through a daily communion with Christ in His Word, the Holy Scriptures.

Walking with God is a marathon, as sojourners in this lifetime journey, every moment in our lives is a test such as Yahweh tested the heart of Israel in the wilderness for forty years. A moment in which we can allow Christ to shine through it, and let His GLORY be witnessed through our very lives as we are used for the purpose of Kingdom business, bringing others to the feet of the one and True Messiah, King and Master of our lives.

The journey is not an easy one. It’s also a place of solace, and solitude. Solace for Christ brings us peace, joy, love, compassion and breathes life into our challenging circumstances, and situations. Solitude, because there will be times when everyone around you kneels to the Golden Calf Statue in the wilderness or the 10 foot golden statue of Nebedcanezzer before the multitude of unbelievers or fearful believers as well. Let us be strengthened by the POWER of YAHWEH, for it is HE who firmly holds us together, and we stand. For in our standing, Christ, the Angel of the Lord will be in the midst of us, within us, and around us. For the eyes, witnessing our actions, will be encouraged, and strengthened in their spirits to stand. Let us be an inspiration, an encouragement, a lifter of spirits, and a breath of life for the lifeless, and an omnipotent light for the blinded.

I hope you enjoy the article. It’s the banner and the initial launch of this website’s first blog. Please leave your comments or send us your testimonies, in the form of video, audio or PDF doc via email on our submission form that’s throughout the website

On These Two Commandments

After several hours of notifying the staff via the intercom and pressing the nurse’s buzzer on the beds as well as trying the orderlies at the front desk, of the dire situation with their patient, my detainee, I acknowledged that I was given the opportunity to bring scripture to life. Though I couldn’t stand the foul smell of this unbathed vagrant, with days old sweat, urine, and fresh excrement oozing from the bed sheets, he was one of God’s flock, another one of His lost sheep.

The hospital’s silence was broken by the cling, clanging of the shackles on the metal guard rails of the bed. His eyes looked into mine in timid shame, as I finished the final touches…cleaning his waste off his privates and buttocks.
I changed the sheets, gave him a sponge bath, and freshened him up like new. The rest of the night he would ask if I could take him to the rest room. His uncontrolled trembling from his alcohol withdrawals was extremely bad. It broke my heart to tears seeing this empty soul, a pale, frail skeletal frame in such suffering.

Ensure public safety, maintain order, and escort prisoners throughout the facility…that was my job description.
Now an unforgettable moment as a Corrections Officer was taking place in my life. That day, however, I was more than just a caretaker. That day…my soul was overwhelmed with so much incomparable love…I just let Christ do His work through my hands…I loved my neighbor.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 22:37

“Restoring The Original Bible” Ernest L. Martin

⦁ This book is the biggest blessing in my life. It reads like a novel, biography, and documentary. It’s filled with so many historical evidences, of how the Torah and the New Testament were canonized. This book brought me so much closer to reading scriptures as Jesus would have had them in scroll form as he read them in the synogogues in Nazareth, Jerusalem in the first century.

⦁ Dr. Martin breaks down the formation of the Torah by Its divisions The Law, The Prophets and the Writings that make up the Old Testament, he then goes into the role numbers play in the formation of the Bible, to show the finger of God in its divine arrangements that should not have been tampered with and why. What amazed me was how the Tabernacle and the Bible a reflection of one another, and it’s representation of the utensils and how the Tabernacles construction coincides with the formation and structure of the order of the Books – mind Blowing and totally eye opening. So much so, it really put the reverence of Gods love in my heart to see Gods finger print throughout the order of the books. 

The “Tithe” Dilema Ernest L. Martin

⦁ To understand how and why the tithes were actually instituted, it really shines a very bright light upon the truth on tithing; it was always an issue of the heart. Not an obligation. Always something that had to come from the heart of the giver. Yet, reading this book one also comes to a very clear awakening about the tithe and why it is no longer instituted. This book opened my eyes to something I realized a long, long time ago concerning tithing. 

http://www.tithing-russkelly.com/id190.html This link goes further into the tithing dilemma. 

Brother Lawrence “Practicing The Presence Of God”

⦁ Practicing the Presence of God is a collection of letters that were written by Brother Lawrence to those that he had mentored and advised throughout his lifetime. They were collected and made into a book.

⦁ The beauty of what is brought forth from this Godly mans life, is sheer peace and tranquility. One learns the many things that really matter in life when we look at the life of this Godly man. What matters most. This book made a very big difference in my life. I began to understand what it is to quickly repent, to keep a communion with the word of God, to do everything as unto the Lord. To always acknowledge Him in all that we do. To speak to Him in and out of our day. This constant communication is key to building a daily and true understanding of who we are in Christ and what are those things that really matter the most.

⦁ It radically changed my perspective of how to live and follow Christ. 

Peace in Christ E02

Meditation in Scripture can see us through those tough times. Reminding us that “The Prince of Peace,” is a promise to all those that believe.

Peace in Christ E01


Meditation in Scripture can see us through those tough times. Reminding us that “The Prince of Peace,” is a promise to all those that believe.

The Spirit of Discipleship

Hi, I’m Freddie Hernandez, Enkindler of Dormant Potential

Walking with Christ doesn’t have to be a burden…

Journaling, reading, audio listening, praying, fasting, meditating, that’s a lot. Break it down to bite size pieces spread it and sprinkle it on manageable moments, and in time, we’ll reach unimaginable heights soaring with the indwelling spirit of Christ.

Join me, here at The Spirit of Discipleship Podcast, let’s explore the many ways we can walk intimately with Christ and make it a lifelong spiritual experience: www.thespiritofdiscipleship.org