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5 Guides on Reading the Bible

The number one selling book every year in the entire world, the most ancient of manuscripts of all time with 3,000 years of age, people have been burned at the stake for it, tortured for it, and woe to the irony of how Christians are persecuted in China and it is the world largest producer of The Bible.

So, you want to start reading the Bible and don’t know where to start?

I have five bible reading guides to start you off on your discipleship journey. I pray you encounter Christ while engaging the pages of this Holy Book and your life is totally inspired by it.

Before I began to read the Bible, I experienced God – supernaturally. When I began reading the Bible, I experienced The Power of the Teachings of Christ, through His indwelling Holy Spirit that John 14, 15, 16 speak about. He speaks, I listen. My life becomes more His than mine. And the more I read, the more of the Lion of Juda rises boldly in me, the more of Gods love through the Holy Spirit represented by the Dove do I conform to, and the more do I demonstrate the meekness of His spirit represented in the lamb that keeps me humble and merciful. But it all starts by engaging the Word of God, the Bible.

In order to engage with the Spirit of the Word of God these five guides have helped me navigate through the Bible and grow in the knowledge of Christ, and along the way find  my purpose in my life.

Always engage the Word of God by acknowledging Him in prayer and asking for His Holy Spirit, to open the Holy Scriptures to you and what is it that He wants to teach you or speak to you about concerning your life. That being said, lets start with these five guides.

First the Bible’s Story line begins with Genesis and ends with the Book of Revelation. This story line is the story of God, and His love for you and I and all humanity. Because it is the story of all humanity. Within it’s pages flows “The Thread of Redemption.” Provided by God through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus for you, and I, and all humanity. It started with Adams downfall, then with a promise to Abraham, that all nations of the World will be blessed. And all because of one man’s obedience, the world was blessed – through one mans sacrifice – Christ Jesus.

Second, any preconceived notions you may have about the Bible, set aside until you are thoroughly familiar with the books of the Bible, then revisit those notions. Learn the characters, the stories, the good, the bad and the ugly. Devote time to merely reading the Bible first. Always annotate during your second reading. This approach has helped me understand the Bible’s Story line. Currently I’m going through the Bible a second time. This time from the New to the Old Testament. I’m on 2 Kings getting ready to move to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. One other thing, you should begin to do is use the Inductive Bible Study Method or S.O.A.P – scripture, observation, application and prayer. More details on these methods on the fourth guide.

Third, understand the Bible is a supernatural book written by the inspiration, guidance and leading of the One True Living God, His Holy Spirit, and written by man. He is an invisible God, who now dwells within all followers of Christ. This is one of many reasons why this book, unlike no other, can prepare you for this lifetime, and the one we will all be a part of, the eternal kingdom. The Bible, through the Holy Spirit teaches us. This is why everything we do have present and eternal ramifications effecting our rewards whether good or bad in this lifetime, and the lifetime to come. Check in the description box to my video on, “Supernatural Literature.”

In addition, set aside a time to purposefully learn how to study the Bible. The inductive method is the method I have used for over 20 years. When I began studying the Bible I didn’t know I was using the inductive method. A book that also helped me through my journey was given to me by an Episcopalian Pastor, “How to Read the Bible For All It’s Worth,” by Gordon Fee, and “How to Read a Book” by Mortimer Adler. I feature these two books on the ministry’s website. I also utilize Logos Software. Something I recommend to all those serious students of the Word of God. Christian life without engaging scripture on a daily basis, is not Christian living. There is a difference between reading and studying. Though there is learning in reading, there is deeper learning in studies.

Lastly, pray that the Lord leads you to a bible believing church with online services or an online ministry with Sunday services with sound doctrine, or a Bible Study group in which the word is the center of their studies. A bible study is not a meeting place for alternative agendas whatever they may be. Most importantly, pray that God puts Godly servants in your life that are serious about serving God. That they may become accountability partners in your walk with Christ.

May the Lord Bless you, keep you, may the Lord, shine His face upon you, and be gracious to you, may the Lord lift His countenance towards you and give you peace, His friendship.

And always remember, A leap of faith, a deep submergence – the Bible: The Spirit of Discipleship.

I’ve provided some links below for further study:

Youtube Video Resources:

Tim Mackie’s Story Line of the Bible

The video link on “The Supernatural Literature.”  

Book Resource:

Fee and Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth, Zondervan, 1982

Mortimer Adler, How to read a book
Leland Ryken, How to Read the Bible As Literature, Zondervan, 1984
Phyllis A. Bird, The Bible as the Church’s Book, Westminster, 1982
Walter Brueggemann, The Bible Makes Sense, John Knox, 1977.

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Freddie Hernandez

Freddie Hernandez

Enkindler of Potential In Christ Jesus

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